Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Top 10 reasons that the internet is retarded

I am on the internet all day, nearly every day. It's ridiculous. All day I click on shit that I don't care about, like "Top 7 shitty movies of 1996" and "9 Worst action figure accessories". Time to make my own list.

The Top 10 Reasons that the internet is complete bullshit.

Reason 1:

Reason 2: One of those titles I click on but don't read after I do. Golf.

Reason 3: i never capitalize letters anymore or use proper punctuation .,...... and nobody else i know does either

Reason 4: I'm an accomplished artist and designer, yet my blog looks like horseshit, and I don't care.

Reason 5: this is boring. i quit.

Here's a starwars toy I found in a creek over the weekend. Look at my wet pants.